Best moments so far as a trainee solicitor
We asked some of our trainees to pick out their best moment so far during their training contract. Here is what they told us:
Luke Smyth, second year trainee
My favourite moment was completing a first draft of a consultancy agreement during my commercial seat. The consultancy agreement was in respect of a Ukrainian-Russian civil war rescue project to be carried out on behalf of Refugease, a UK-based NGO which focuses on humanitarian aid and serving refugee camps. Playing an important role in this project allowed us to work in conjunction with Refugease by aiding them in protecting the vulnerable, providing life-changing support to those who need it most and contributing to society in a meaningful way.
Alice Hunter, second year trainee
One of the best moments so far during my training contract was finishing the 57km South Coast Challenge with a fantastic team. It was absolutely exhausting and physically the hardest thing I have ever done. Keeping going mentally was a real challenge, and I felt very fortunate to be with colleagues who kept me going when I felt like giving up. Crossing that finish line really was one of the best feelings!
Peter Mayhew, second year trainee
My best moment was having the opportunity to attend both a mediation and a five day trial at the Royal Courts of Justice during my time in the property dispute resolution team. The judgment went in our client’s favour and it was so rewarding to see hours of hard work and preparation pay off.
Sophie Campbell, first year trainee
Before you start as a trainee, Cripps organise a ‘hello day’ where you visit the office, meet your fellow trainees, have lunch with current trainees, and have talks led by those in different departments to give you a flavour of your potential seat options. It’s a great ice-breaker and social event before starting your training contract.
Elliot Denton, first year trainee
Prior to joining Cripps I trained as a barristers’ clerk. I was used to pushing trolleys up and down Chancery Lane on my way to and from the Royal Courts of Justice. In my first seat in residential estates I was invited to attend some networking drinks hosted by the Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners at the Law Society on Chancery Lane. This was a very surreal and humbling moment. I had stared at the Law Society arch, on my way to and from court, wondering what went on inside. I never thought for one second that I would attend an event there as a trainee solicitor.
Frankie Harrison, first year trainee
I was fortunate to be able to go to court as part of the family team representing a client and see them achieve their desired outcome. This was especially significant as the client had been a victim of domestic violence, and stands out as the best moment of my training contract.
Charlotte Dixon, first year trainee
During my third seat in the property dispute resolution team, I attended the Royal Courts of Justice for a judicial review. This day of my training contract stands out, primarily because it was my first day in court as a trainee solicitor, but also because my inner architecture geek revelled in the experience of walking through Temple and exploring the RCJ!
The client’s matter was particularly interesting as it involved complex points of law. I also enjoyed listening to the oral argument, as this helped to develop my understanding of this area of law. The whole RCJ experience, together with the fact that we ‘won’ the matter, makes this a clear best moment of my training contract so far.
Eleanor Thornton, first year trainee
I would say one of the best things / moments I have experienced so far is the level of client contact and responsibility I have in relation to clients. The trust which exists between my supervisor and myself which allows me to interact and deal with clients is so beneficial as my soft skills and hard skills are developed, allowing me to become a well-rounded lawyer.
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