Cripps plants 250 trees to celebrate the achievements of the South East’s top Mid Market companies
Leading law firm Cripps has planted 200 trees in recognition of the businesses included in Insider Media’s South East Top 200 Mid-Market Companies list, plus an additional 50 trees on behalf of the firm.
Cripps is the headline sponsor of the Insider report, which lists 200 of the best-performing companies based in the region with turnovers between £20m and £200m. Companies were ranked by turnover and then by pre-tax profit, with the two rankings averaged to compile the list.
Pete Kenyon, partner in the commercial team, commented: “It has been great to see so many of our regional businesses continue to innovate and thrive over the last 12 months. We are keen to champion the ambition we see on our doorstep, and delighted to plant a tree on behalf of each of these companies in recognition of their growth. It was also great to be joined by representatives from Croudace Homes and CSG who helped with the tree planting on the day”.
The trees, which were planted on Friday 19 November at Danehill Community Woodland in East Sussex, will help to provide shelter and food for wildlife, and to improve soil and air quality for many years to come.
Mike Scott, senior partner, added: “As a business, we have always strived to be environmentally conscious and are proud to have seen a reduction in our co2 emissions year on year since we started reporting. However, as recent headlines have shown, we all need to be doing more to support our environment. We are proud to be able to support this initiative within our region as well as give our people the opportunity to get involved in a meaningful and long-term community project.
Congratulations to all of the businesses recognised in the mid-market list, it’s fantastic to see so many south east businesses continuing to thrive in such challenging times.”